Resilient States Project, Evaluative Study
Company: Search For Common Ground
Location: Washington
Posted on: March 13, 2025
Job Description:
Summary"Summary: Common Ground USA (CG-USA) is seeking an
individual or a team of consultants who can evaluate lessons
learned in our programs across geographies (Arizona, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Texas) and identities (political, racial, gender,
age, class), to recommend actions to improve future project
iterations. In particular, the study must examine the link between
resiliency networks of local and state community leaders and the
mitigation of political violence in states where the networks
operate.Common Ground USA (CG-USA) is seeking a team of consultants
who can evaluate lessons learned in our programs across geographies
(Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas) and identities (political,
racial, gender, age, class), to recommend actions to improve future
project iterations. In particular, the study must examine the link
between resiliency networks of local and state community leaders
and the mitigation of political violence in states where the
networks operate.
Candidate teams should have experience researching political
violence prevention strategies, and also have experience in program
evaluation. Ideal teams will have experience in applied research
and iterative programs design, in other words using research and
evaluation to inform program design. This consultancy is
ContextCommon Ground USACG-USA pursues projects that enable
enduring change through "Dignity of All," or multi-partiality, the
premise that enduring solutions require ownership from across
divisions. CG-USA is an office of Search for Common Ground
(Search). Search is an international conflict transformation NGO
that aims to transform the way individuals, groups, governments and
companies deal with conflict, away from adversarial approaches and
towards collaborative solutions. Headquartered in Washington DC,
USA, and Brussels, Belgium, with field offices in 29 countries,
Search designs and implements multifaceted, culturally appropriate
and conflict-sensitive programs using a diverse range of tools,
including media and training, to promote dialogue, increase
knowledge and determine a positive shift in behaviors.
Over ZeroOver Zero builds whole-of-society resilience to
identity-based violence and other forms of political violence. Over
Zero works with local leaders, civil society, global peacebuilding
practitioners, and researchers to create educational resources and
tools; and builds place-based programs that anchor this work. Over
Zero supports a wide range of organizations, communities, and
cross-sector leaders with resources, advising, and connections to
effectively use their platforms to prevent and address political
violence. Over Zero is building coordination and rapid response
systems that connect local, state, and national leaders,
organizations, and resources in the face of potential risks.
The Project The joint Common Ground USA and Over Zero Resilient
States Project (RSP) aims to prevent the United States from
becoming a place where violence, intimidation, and harassment are
used to define who gets to participate in civic life. RSP is
working with civic leaders, like those from the business,
education, faith, and veteran communities, who are interested in
reducing and preventing the tension, toxic polarization, and
violence that is making our politics worse.
In target states of Ohio, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Texas, the
project has built networks of leaders from diverse backgrounds and
geographies who take coordinated actions to prevent, defuse, and
respond to political and identity-based violence. RSP provides
network facilitation, expertise, resources, and advice, when
needed, while supporting participants' visions and priorities for
the change they want to see in their communities. Over Zero
supports the Ohio and Arizona networks while Common Ground USA
supports the networks in Pennsylvania and Texas.
Objectives of StudyThis final evaluative study will seek to test
the project's theory of change, measure program outcomes, identify
possible changes to the project's approach to improve its outcomes
- including the most effective activities and adaptations made
during the life of the project, and determine if the project is
addressing the root causes of the problem.
This study will become the foundation of a best practices guide for
state-cohort-resiliency models, and as such needs to emphasize
lessons learned and examples of what's working.
Selection Criteria
Consultant proposals will be selected for interview based on:
To apply, interested candidates (individuals or teams) are
requested to submit the following two documents:Resume(s);A
technical proposal proposing a methodology for the study (no more
than 3 pages) together with a financial proposal for the completion
of the aforementioned deliverables and a short cover letter (no
more than 1 page).
Note: Only two documents can be submitted, so the technical and
financial proposals must be combined, along with the short cover
Questions on proposals can be sent to and will be accepted until
March 21, 2025. All applicants will receive answers in writing to
all questions submitted.As job descriptions cannot be exhaustive,
the position holder may be required to undertake other duties that
are broadly in line with the above key responsibilities.
Only applicants invited for an interview will be contacted. No
phone calls, please. Please see our website for full details of our
work. All Search Employees must adhere to the values:
Collaboration- Audacity - Tenacity - Empathy - Results. In
accordance with these values, Search enforces compliance with the
Code of Conduct and related policies on Anti Workplace Harassment,
Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding,
Conflict of Interest, and Anti-fraud. Search is committed to
safeguarding the interests, rights, and well-being of children,
youth, and vulnerable adults with whom it is in contact and to
conducting its programs and operations in a manner that is safe for
children, youth, and vulnerable adults. Search for Common Ground
does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin
(ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or
military status, in any of its activities or operations. View our
code of conduct and our privacy policy .
Les descriptifs de pouvant ne pouvant etre exhaustifs, le titulaire
du poste pourra etre amene a entreprendre d'autres taches qui
correspondent globalement aux responsabilites cles
---------------------------------------------------Seuls les
candidats invites a un entretien seront contactes. Pas d'appels
telephoniques s'il vous plait. Veuillez consulter notre site Web
pour tous les details de notre mission.
Tous les employes de Search doivent adherer aux valeurs de Search :
Collaboration- Audace - Tenacite - Empathie - Resultats.
Conformement a ces valeurs, Search fait respecter le code de
conduite et les politiques connexes sur la lutte contre le
harcelement au travail, la protection contre l'exploitation et les
abus, la protection des enfants, les conflits d'interets et la
lutte contre la fraude. Search s'engage a preserver les interets,
les droits et le bien-etre des enfants, des jeunes et des adultes
vulnerables avec lesquels elle est en contact et a mener ses
programmes et ses operations d'une maniere qui soit sure pour les
enfants, les jeunes et les adultes vulnerables.Search for Common
Ground ne fait pas et ne doit pas faire de discrimination fondee
sur la race, la couleur, la religion (croyance), le sexe,
l'expression de genre, l'age, l'origine nationale (ascendance), le
handicap, l'etat matrimonial, l'orientation sexuelle ou le statut
militaire, dans aucune de ses activites ou operations.Consultez
notre code de conduite et notre politique de confidentialite
Dado que la descripcion de funciones no puede ser exhaustiva, el
titular del puesto puede tener que realizar otras tareas que
coinciden en lineas generales con las responsabilidades clave
se contactara con los candidatos invitados a una entrevista. Se
agradece no recibir llamadas telefonicas. Consulte nuestro sitio
web para conocer todos los detalles de nuestro trabajo. Todos los
empleados de Search deben adherirse a los valores de la
organizacion: Colaboracion - Audacia - Tenacidad - Empatia -
Resultados. De acuerdo con estos valores, Search hace cumplir el
Codigo de Conducta y las politicas relacionadas con luchar contra
el acoso en el lugar de trabajo, la proteccion contra la
explotacion y el abuso, la proteccion de la infancia, los
conflictos de intereses y la lucha contra el fraude. Search se
compromete a salvaguardar los intereses, derechos y bienestar de
los ninos, jovenes y adultos vulnerables con los que esta en
contacto y a llevar a cabo sus programas y operaciones de una
manera que sea segura para los ninos, jovenes y adultos
vulnerables. Search for Common Ground no discrimina ni discriminara
por motivos de raza, color, religion (credo), genero, expresion de
genero, edad, origen nacional (ascendencia), discapacidad, estado
civil, orientacion sexual o condicion militar, en ninguna de sus
actividades u operaciones. Consulte nuestro codigo de conducta y
nuestra politica de privacidad .
Keywords: Search For Common Ground, Washington DC , Resilient States Project, Evaluative Study, Other , Washington, DC
here to apply!